Hi, i'm Leonard!

For more than 6 years making your business well seen on the internet!

Creation of interfaces for websites, Landing Pages, apps and ads to leverage your business.

interfaces for websites, Landing Pages, apps and ads

sites institucionais | páginas de lançamentos | interface apps | ads

Some data from my experience:

Leonard Urnauer

I have been working with design and its tools since I was 16 years old. I specialize in interfaces and infoproducts.

I bring the solution for digital businesses, with the objective of better conversion through visual impact, harmonics and high speed. I'm sure you will have the best experience in the production of your product.

Date of birth: 29/09/2001

Look this


Agência Vequio Comunicativa 2016 - 2018: Designer of bands for social networks, covers of cd's, flyers and billboards.

Nardelli Fumes 2018 -2019: Social media and packaging designer

Kiko Super Market 2020 - 2021: Marketing Strategies and Designer for social networks, motion graphic, interface development for app.

Grupo Olegário 2021: Marketing and design strategies for social media, menus, motion graphic, flyer, billboard and logo creation.

Magazord Digital Commerce 2021 - 2022 Full designer |l for website banners, creation of frontend, e-books, landing pages, social networks, commercial presentation, billboard, graphic analysis, logo creation, marketing strategy, control of all commercial design.

software with

Know more about my job

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